Kerri Webster’s “Grand & Arsenal: Poems”

The intersection of Grand and Arsenal in the city of St. Louis is one part park, three parts commercial. Arsenal Street actually does a little zigzag as it crosses Grand and then runs the length of Tower Grove Park, which is due south of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Like so much of the city of St. Louis, the residential buildings in the area are red brick.

“Grand & Arsenal” is also the title of a new collection of poetry by Kerri Webster, former writer-in-residence at Washington University. There’s a review of the collection today over at TweetSpeak Poetry.

About stlouisisapoem

We live in this poem called St. Louis, a poem we're still writing. It's about history, and art, and politics, and business, buildings and streets, rich and poor, and food (of course), and all of the other things that make this city what it is and what it will become. We publish poems about St. Louis, and you're invited to contribute via the comments to posts (for now, until we get our communications organized). Send us a link or an email address, and we'll respond. Help us write the poem that is St. Louis.
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1 Response to Kerri Webster’s “Grand & Arsenal: Poems”

  1. The Blue Marlin says:

    I grew up two blocks south on Juniata, between Grand and Spring. The corner of Grand and Arsenal has changed a lot over the years. Born in the mid 50’s, I have witnessed different business come and go on those corners. Diners, Drugstore, 5 n dimes; what a wonderful intersection in a much under appreciated city.

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